Today is July 1, 2020. We made it through the first six months of 2020. I think we can all collectively raise a glass of champagne and say “Congratulations and Good Riddance”.
So far 2020 has been a roller coaster of a year. We began in January and February with the impeachment and acquittal of the President of the United States of America, which would have been the highlight event of the year had this been any year other than 2020. Also, at the end of January we had the death Kobe Bryant. In February we started hearing about the Coronavirus and it became more mainstream. In March, we were asked to stay in our homes for two weeks, and two weeks became another four weeks. Eventually restrictions began to ease and states started opening up in May. On Memorial Day we learned about the murder of George Floyd which prompted a cultural revolution in the United States and around the world. As June was coming to a close, we learned about Coronavirus numbers increasing in many states including where I live in Florida.
That was all in the first six months. We still have another six to go. It remains to be seen what will happen, but I know as a Floridian we still have a hurricane season to get through, and then a presidential election in November.
We have been tried and tested as a society, but we have been resilient. We have taken everything in stride. We keep saying we are ready for 2021. Perhaps, instead of raising the glass of champagne and saying “Congratulations and Good Riddance” we say “Congratulations and thank you for the lessons learned”.

Reflecting on the last six months, I recognize that in spite of the difficulties, many great things have happened.
I learned to be a better cook and have lost 10 pounds. I have virtually networked and grown my coaching practice. I met and made new friends virtually, whom I have yet to meet in person. I increased my yoga practice. I developed a meditation practice. I started publishing my writing. I scheduled reading into my daily activity. I started making YouTube videos. I love my new routine that has developed out of having to stay at home.
I don’t know how my life would have been had Coronavirus never entered our lives. I’ll never know that. I know that some of my New Year’s resolutions for 2020 will not be able to be fulfilled this year due to Covid-19 and that is okay. It is important to be flexible.
What I do know, is that in spite of all of the difficulties of late, I’m feel so grateful to be alive right now. I feel so excited to see how our world and society will adapt and develop as a result of Coronavirus and the cultural revolution going on today.
While we can’t change the past and we don’t know what the future will bring. I am content to focus on the present and live here and now.
Cheers to the next six months and may it bring blessings to you!