Meredith Kimmel Coaching
Certified professional coach specializing in life transformations.
This is where transformation happens!
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Transformations are defined as a dramatic change in form or appearance in life. They are an everyday part of life and many people are afraid of change.
One thing is certain though; you will have many transformations and changes in your life. You will experience pain and grief on multiple occasions throughout your life. How you acknowledge and process these changes are especially important. If you don’t deal with them, or process them fully, they may build cumulatively and have a significant impact on your happiness as you go through life.
This is where I come in to guide you through your life transformation to live a happy, successful, and victorious life. On your pathway to transformation, I will walk beside you as your Life Transformation Coach. I will provide a judgment free and safe space where you can work through your grief, lose your fear about change, gain clarity around your situation, clear mental blocks, and create lasting strategies to support you as you embrace your life transformation and learn to live your new life in the best way possible.
Are you ready for this Journey? Let’s Get to Work.
What’s holding you back from transforming?
Great things happen when you lose your fear of change and embrace your purpose and ambitions. We will work together to make those things happen.
Work with me
Life is a series of transformations and many people are afraid of changing. By engaging in my coaching services, I will guide you through your life transformation so you will no longer be afraid of change and you will be able to live a happy, successful, and victorious life.
There are many different types of transformations, which can include, but are not limited to:
- Marriage
- Divorce
- Moving to a new location
- Buying or selling a home
- Graduating from high school, college, grad school, or trade school
- Having a child
- Adopting a pet
- Getting a job, getting fired from a job, or deciding to leave a job
- Getting a promotion or a demotion
- Losing a loved one
- Making new friends or ending friendships
- Starting a new career or taking time off from working and then entering the workforce
- Weight loss or gain
- Retirement
- Illness/recovery.
Transformations are an everyday part of life. Sometimes they just happen to us and other times we make the decision that we need to change. Either way, humans are creatures of habit and change is uncomfortable.
Our society, especially Western society, likes to have everything wrapped up nicely in a package with a bow on top. However, more likely than not, that is not how change happens. There are loose ends. This is where we have difficulty.
We may grieve when we have a life change. Grief is an emotion. Loss is the cessation of the event. We may not know how to act or what to do next, but that doesn’t mean that we don’t stop moving forward.
Life Transformation Coaching is working together to create clarity around a change that has happened or clarity around a change that you would like to make. We do this so that you can become comfortable with change. Once you have the comfort, we work together to create targeted and measurable goals, and design strategies to achieve success and this keeps you moving forward. It is especially important to acknowledge and process these changes. If you don’t process them fully, they may build cumulatively and have a significant impact on your happiness as you go through life.
Change may be hard. Change may be uncomfortable. Our subconscious may be telling us not to make the change, but we don’t have to be sitting in upset and not living the life we believe we are meant to live. Why put off change for the future and delay the life you are meant to live, when you can put some work in and have victory now?
If you are in the process of change or will be and are uncertain what to do, let’s get to work.
I believe that we are here to live life to the fullest, embrace it, and enjoy it. Being flexible and taking risks is a great thing. Transformations are a great thing. We continue to grow and learn.
What could be more valuable than investing in yourself?
There is no reason to go through a life transformation alone. I will be beside you to guide you through your transformation process.
You will have a safe, confidential, and trusting space for you to look inside of yourself, explore, and come up with answers to both of our questions.
The One-on-One Coaching Programs:
Coaching Package | Duration of Program | Number of Sessions | Price |
Quick Start | One Month | Four-55-minute sessions | $1,300 |
Accelerated Transformation | Three Months | Nine-55-minute sessions | $2,475 |
Steady Transformation | Six Months | Twelve-55-minute sessions | $3,000 |
Each coaching program comes with the following:
- Worksheets to determine goals and priorities.
- Email support in between sessions.
- A recording of the session if you’d like.
- Discount for renewal (15%) or reduced price of a single session ($295.00) after program completion.
- Flexible payment options for The Accelerated Transformation and Steady Transformation Programs.
Single sessions are offered for one hour at a price of $395. The purpose of this offering is for a quick boost of motivation or clarity. By choosing this session, you will be missing out on one of the coaching programs.
I also offer a Concierge Coaching Program. This is a twelve-month one-on-one coaching program. With this program, you will receive twenty-four, 55-minute sessions and four, three-hour in-depth coaching summits conducted quarterly. In addition to the benefits above, you will also get unlimited text and email support between sessions, and scheduling priority. The price for this program is $12,000 and is limited to only five people at a time.
The Corporate Coaching Program:
Unlike the One-on-One Coaching Programs above, the Corporate Coaching Program is co-created by the decision maker at the organization and me based on the needs of the company. The price is based on the program that we create.
These are examples of the types of situations I have encountered when coaching employees in organizations:
- Returning to work after maternity or paternity leave
- Transitioning back into the office after working from home during Covid
- Returning to work after the death of a loved one
- Getting a promotion and having to figure out new responsibilities
If you have employees that fit into these categories or any other, let’s get to work.
I make it easy to work with me. Here are the steps:
- We will begin with a get to know each other call and determine the length of the coaching engagement.
- Once the decision is made to hire me, coaching agreements are signed by the employer and by the employee.
- I then have the employee (client) fill out my intake forms which help clarify the employee’s goals, priorities, and motivations.
- Upon receipt of the signed forms, we begin the coaching engagement.
One note on confidentiality:
Employee confidentiality stays with me unless there is a coaching attendance issue or if something is revealed that will endanger the workplace environment. Other than that, you can be assured that your employees can trust me as their corporate coach.
Most frequent questions and answers
The International Coaching Federation (ICF), which is the world’s leading global organization of professionally trained coaches, defines coaching as “partnering with clients in a thought-provoking and creative process that inspires them to maximize their personal and professional potential.” Click here ( to read the blog post.
An ICF Credentialed Coach is a coach who has successfully completed a coach-training program that has been approved by the ICF. Upon successful completion of the coach-training program, the candidate must complete a minimum number of paid coaching hours, work with a mentor coach, and pass the Coach Knowledge Assessment before applying to the ICF for a credential. Click here ( to read more.
My ideal client is someone who is willing to work and make the commitment to transform. The actual one-on-one coaching sessions are only part of the process. There is plenty of work to be done in between the sessions. I could easily take your money and you can keep showing up for sessions, but if no progress is being made it is a waste of time for you and a potential ethical issue for me. My mission is to guide you to create the strategies so that you can live a happy, successful, and rich life. If this is what you want, then let’s get to work.
There are many differences among coaching, consulting, and therapy. Coaching is the process of moving you forward. The Coach has the belief that the Client is the subject matter expert in themselves and that they have the answers within them. The Coach and Client work in partnership with each other. There is no hierarchy. The Coach’s job is to ask the probing questions to give the Client time to think. The Coach also, with the Client’s permission, offers observations and reflections to get the Client to see things from other points of view. The Coach does not offer advice, as a Consultant or a Therapist may.
A Consultant gives advice and makes recommendations. A Consultant is seen as the authority.
In Therapy, you will look back into the past and resolve problems from the past that affect your life today. The Therapist may also be seen as an authority and offer advice.
Coaching is an investment in yourself. A Coach allows you the time and space to think and come up with answers on your own to make the changes you want to make to move you forward in your life. The coach has no attachment to your outcome and therefore can come to each session from a place of pure curiosity. This allows the Coach to listen to what you are saying and reflect back observations and comments to allow you to see things from different perspectives. A Coach is a partner on your journey with you and doesn’t pretend to be an authority figure and will not tell you what to do. A Coach will challenge you, and a Coach will keep you accountable.
Just like the Coaching Sessions (see below), the Coaching Process has a beginning, middle, and end. Based on the coaching package you choose; we will develop a few overarching goals that you want to work on. Of course, these are fluid and subject to change. All of my clients who started coaching in February and March 2020 changed their goals due to Covid.
The actual one-on-one coaching sessions are only part of the process. There is plenty of work to be done in between the sessions. At the end of each session, we will design action steps (homework) for you to do in between session to move you forward towards your goals.
Coaching has an expiration date, and it is not meant to go on forever. The strategies we design are meant to be learned by you, become part of you, and are carried over into other areas of your life. Sure, you can renew your packages. Many of my mentor coaches talk about how they have been working with the same clients for 20 or 30 years, but not consecutively, and only when new learning needs to occur, or new skills need to be developed.
A Coaching session is a 55-minute session that takes place either in person, by phone, or virtually. The session structure has a beginning, middle, and end. We begin the session with a session agreement and decide what topic to focus on, we decide on actionable and measurable goals that can be achieved during the session. Once the session agreement is made, we get into the meat of the session where the curiosity, exploration, and thinking occurs. The end of the session is claiming the learning and designing action steps to take in between the sessions.
I offer in person sessions. I offer sessions via Zoom. I also offer telephone calls via a bridge teleconference line. Coaching sessions are conducted based on the client’s preference.
You will receive a welcome letter via email from me, which includes the Coaching Agreement, a client intake sheet, and a few worksheets to fill out so that we have a very productive coaching engagement.
I make every effort get you scheduled within two weeks of signing the Coaching Agreement.
I currently do not use assessments. I use the worksheets provided in the welcome letter. I ask that they be returned to me prior to our first session, so that I can review them before we begin.
There are a wide variety of topics that people bring to coaching. Life transformations and changes cover many different areas. I have coached people who have gotten promotions, left jobs, experienced the loss of a loved one, gotten divorced, moved to a new location, had children, and so much more.
Since Coaching is not a medical entity it is not covered by health insurance.
ICF Code of Ethics
Per My Coaching Agreement:
This coaching relationship, as well as all information (documented or verbal) that the Client shares with the Coach as part of this relationship, is bound by the principles of confidentiality set forth in the ICF Code of Ethics. However, please be aware that the Coach-Client relationship is not considered a legally confidential relationship (like the medical and legal professions) and thus communications are not subject to the protection of any legally recognized privilege. The Coach agrees not to disclose any information pertaining to the Client without the Client’s written consent. The Coach will not disclose the Client’s name as a reference without the Client’s consent. All coaching session conversations are confidential to the extent allowed by the law. If Client shares that he/she is engaged in illegal activity, or intends to harm themselves or others, Coach reserves the right to disclose that information to the appropriate authorities.
Confidential Information does not include information that: (a) was in the Coach’s possession prior to its being furnished by the Client; (b) is generally known to the public or in the Client’s industry; (c) is obtained by the Coach from a third party, without breach of any obligation to the Client; (d) is independently developed by the Coach without use of or reference to the Client’s confidential information; or (e) the Coach is required by statute, lawfully issued subpoena, or by court order to disclose; (f) is disclosed to the Coach and as a result of such disclosure the Coach reasonably believes there to be an imminent or likely risk of danger or harm to the Client or others; and (g) involves illegal activity. The Client also acknowledges his or her continuing obligation to raise any confidentiality questions or concerns with the Coach in a timely manner.
Per My Coaching Agreement:
The refund policy in effect for the term of this Agreement is as follows: There is no refund policy for coaching sessions. However, client may cancel at any time, given two weeks written notice. Any balance due shall not be collected.
Per My Coaching Agreement:
Client agrees that it is the Client’s responsibility to notify the Coach at least 24 hours in advance of the scheduled calls/meetings. Coach reserves the right to bill Client for a missed meeting and will in good faith try to reschedule the missed meeting. This excludes personal and/or medical emergencies.
If by any reason the Client wishes to cancel an appointment without rescheduling, it will be considered as a billable coaching session as well.
If the Coach needs to change an appointment, she will always reschedule and make sure Client receives the monthly appointments that have been agreed upon.
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My Credentials:
- International Coaching Federation (ICF) Credentialed Coach-PCC
- ICF Global Member
- ICF South Florida Member
- University of Miami-Certified Professional Coach
- Florida Atlantic University-Master of Accounting
- Hofstra University-Certified Paralegal
- University of Florida-Bachelor of Science in Advertising