Hanging In the Balance. Without Balance, Something Is Bound to Fall
This is a collaboration blog by Erika Del Sordo and Meredith Kimmel, ACC. This blog is also posted at www.TodaysTalkwithErika.com. Balance. When Meredith and I talked
This is a collaboration blog by Erika Del Sordo and Meredith Kimmel, ACC. This blog is also posted at www.TodaysTalkwithErika.com. Balance. When Meredith and I talked
I don’t want to put a damper on the holiday season. It’s hard enough to deal with it already because of Covid and our other
Lately, the coaching conversations with my clients have focused on the same two themes: Covid fatigue and holiday stress. Since these themes keep coming up,
I characterize myself as a positive person. I also characterize myself as a happy person. Sure, I have my moments and my dark days. I
The single biggest transformational event in my life, probably other than my birth, occurred four years ago when my mother passed away. Four years went
Are you living your dream? In my last blog, I talked about the cliché “what doesn’t kill you makes you stronger” and how learning lessons
Last year, I was traveling with my brother and he said to me that his motto is “You can be the hero of your own
For the last few weeks, I have been talking with my coach about a few negative interactions that I had, and my difficulty letting these
Do you know the exact moment when your life changed forever? Can you pinpoint when you knew you would never be the same again? Are
Recently, I had a phone call with a friend of mine. The next morning, I received this text from her, “Good morning. I just wanted
As Thanksgiving approaches, many of us are reminded to pause and reflect on what we’re grateful for. In the busyness of life—especially our careers—it’s easy
The holiday season is just around the corner, in fact, Halloween is next week. When working with my clients, I often emphasize the importance of
Have you noticed so often our thoughts go negative? Have you realized that when this happens anxiety can settle in, or stress, or some other