As you have probably noticed, I have not written a blog post in almost six months. It wasn’t my intention to drop my responsibilities, and I don’t feel that I have. I used my time in other ways. I’ve been occupied harnessing the seasons of life. In addition to my work and client load, a lot of exciting things have been keeping me busy over the last six months and I wanted to share them with you.
Season of Life-Personal and Fun
Below is an overview of what has been going on in my personal life since the beginning of 2023.
January 2023
Last year ended and this year started with a health scare with my little girl cat, Juliette. She got very sick and had to have a life saving procedure which threw us all for a loop. Thank goodness she came through the procedure just fine and is now completely healthy.
Simultaneously, my brother and I put the finishing touches on a surprise birthday party we were planning for our father for a milestone birthday. On January 15, 2023, we pull off the surprise party without a hitch. It may go down as one of the best capers I have ever pulled off!!
February 2023
February is my birthday month and I love to celebrate all month long; however, this February was different. I still had a lovely birthday Saturday brunch with my friends on my actual birthday, but my focus for the month was studying for and passing the International Coaching Federation’s Coach Knowledge Assessment (CKA). This exam was the final piece I had to accomplish in order to obtain the PCC Credential.
March 2023
On March 3, 2023, I took the CKA and passed the exam. On March 6, 2023, I was notified by the International Coaching Federation (ICF) that I was awarded the PCC Credential. I have been working on this goal for almost five years. When I was learning about Coaching as a profession, and I learned about the ICF and the various credentials, obtaining the PCC Credential was something that I never thought I would achieve. Achieving this goal took a lot of planning, strategizing, studying, working, mindset shifts, and the support of wonderful coaches, family, friends, and colleagues. I also spent a lot of time celebrating this success. This achievement means more to me than my high school, undergraduate, and graduate degrees. As of May 2023, there are only 20,882 PCC Coaches world-wide and I’m so proud to be part of this exclusive group.
I also have a love of lighthouses and I’ve been collecting stamps in my Lighthouse Passport of all the lighthouses I visit. In March, as part of my celebration for achieving my goal of PCC, we went to Cape Florida Lighthouse on Key Biscayne. I climbed the lighthouse and collected my stamp.

April 2023
In April, I decided to take a few days off from work and go to Jacksonville to visit my closest friend from college and her family. I was able to relax and recharge. Since she is aware of my love of lighthouses, we drove up to Amelia Island to visit the lighthouse there. Again, I added a stamp to my Lighthouse Passport.
On my way home from Jacksonville, I took a detour to Orlando and met up with some of my former coaching clients who I only worked with virtually who were in Orlando for a convention. I never imagined a scenario where I would meet these people in person and then it happened!!
May 2023
Definitely the best month so far. I went to New York City for a three-day celebration of my brother marrying the love of his life, and I got a sister-in law!! I have never been to a wedding like this, and I couldn’t be happier for them. They are a wonderful couple.

In addition to having a love for lighthouses, I also have a love for National Parks. While in New York City, and in between wedding festivities, we were able to go to two National Parks/Monuments. Federal Hall, where George Washington was sworn in as the first president of the United States and Castle Clinton. I was able to get two stamps for my National Parks passport.
June 2023
After coming home from New York City, I got back into the groove of work. I decided to partner with a national Employee Assistance Program (EAP) to be available to corporate employees who are seeking wellness and coaching.
July 2023
I completed the process with the EAP, and I have started seeing clients through the program, in addition to my private practice.
Season of Life-Professional
I have been busy working with so many different and interesting clients. I have also appeared on a few podcasts, and I will share the links below. I have participated in trainings and business development programs. I have also attracted a lot of clients who fall into two different, yet similar, categories, and I have decided that these are the two niches I am building my practice around.
The First Category of Clients
I have had a lot of clients come to me to discuss their career goals. This can range from seeking a promotion, obtaining a promotion and getting settled in the new role, leaving corporate to try entrepreneurship, career mapping, and obtaining a work life balance, just to name a few topics.
The Second Category of Clients
I have been working with a lot of college students who want to map out their futures, understand what it is like to be an adult, and figure out how to navigate “the real world”. I have heard from so many of these clients that they go from their parents’ home to the dorm room or apartment, and they feel like they are supposed to know it all and be this “adult” when they still feel like a kid.
Here is a list and links to the podcasts I have appeared on:
- Today’s Talk with Erika-The Storms We Endure…And the Face of Resilience.
- ICF South Florida Coach’s Corner
- Spread Good Vibez Podcast with Denise Garrett
While I may not have posted a blog in six months, I’m still very much here and very much engaged. I have been enjoying the seasons of life 😊.
If you are looking to achieve career goals or know or are a college student looking for guidance and direction, I’m here. Please reach out. I’m happy to support in any way that I can.
Congrats on getting your PCC!
Thank you, Stacie!