This is a collaboration blog by Erika Del Sordo and Meredith Kimmel, ACC. This blog is also posted at
“Victory is one of my absolutely favorite words.”-Meredith Kimmel. I said this to Erika when we were planning the topic to write about in our blog this week. When I say the word “victory” out loud, I suddenly feel powerful. Hearing the word that evokes such emotion from me. The word itself, just sounds so positive and successful. Why would you not want to achieve victory?
In our last blog post we talked about resilience, and I believe that you encounter resilience on your road to victory. We discussed how resilience is when you keep moving forward after you faced hardships in your life. Victory is the final stop on your destination. You set a goal, determine the path to achieve it, have some setbacks, keep going (resilience), and achieve your final goal.
An Example of Victory
I remember when I was in college, I took a class called Writing for Mass Communication. It was one of those “weed out” classes at the Journalism School. The class was impossible, and that is not an exaggeration. I gave it my all. Every time I wrote a piece and turned it in, and I received a failing grade, I wanted to drop out of the class.
One of my very good friends was in the class with me, and he told me to keep going. I still remember him hugging me and wiping away the tears when I cried after getting a bad grade. I put in the work, kept writing assignments, and turning them in. Each time I got a grade lower than I expected, I wanted to give up, but I embraced my resilience and kept persevering. I never dropped the class, as so many journalism students did.
As the semester was ending, the professor said that the passing grade was a 69.5. I finished the class with a 70.2. I passed. On my first attempt. I felt Victory!!!!

Erika’s Thoughts on Victory
Podcast host, Erika Del Sordo discusses her beliefs on Victory:
As I sit here at this very point in time writing about Victory and what it means to me, I can only say that it’s the very best feeling when so many things seemingly have gone awry. But little by little, as you chip away at building your empire, you begin to really see the light at the end of the tunnel and BAM! You have Victory.
I have several HUGE personal accomplishments that I’ll be announcing on my social media pages very soon. And while I’m super proud of myself, I want my life and my successes to remind you that you too can work at building your successes which eventually lead you to your Victory!
You see, you can achieve Victory daily. It doesn’t have to be a goal that you set that takes months or years to get to. Every day, accomplish something and call it a Victory! It’ll give you hope that the bigger things in life are within reach.

Meredith continues with this thought perfectly…
Victory is accompanied by the feeling of elation. When you achieve victory and have that feeling of elation, you want to keep achieving more victories. You start to enjoy the feeling of being victorious. You want to keep putting in the hard work because you know that it will eventually pay off.
We have the tool of resilience to keep us going when times are tough. We have victory to celebrate when we achieve our successes. Don’t forget to celebrate. You did the work; you deserve the reward. Achieve Victory!! It’s so worth it.